Vote for Aaron Peskin for mayor of San Francisco? You’re not a Republican are you?

Stuart Reynolds
6 min readMay 23, 2024


@AaronPeskin is running for mayor of San Francisco. Who is Aaron Peskin? Aaron Peskin is the president of the SF Board of Supervisors.

I’m not a Republican. Vote for Aaron if you support SF’s brand of Progressivism. Vote for Aaron if you support less housing. He has blocked attempts to provide more housing in SF at every turn — something where he has the full support of his fellow progressive board members. Here he is again vetoing density increases, at the same time as blaming the mayor for the city’s problems.

SF is in a decades-long housing crisis. Even ex-supervisor Matt Haney (who failed up to become State rep) points out that SF allowed around just 25 new unit permits per month during 2023 in this city of 800,000 — SF looks nothing like other cities:

Aaron believes that housing supply has little to do with home prices:

“Some folks will tell you (as a matter of fact, a lot of the candidates on this stage will tell you) that if we build a lot of any kind of housing, prices will drop. Well, that’s a bunch of horse pucky”

When an application to replace a downtown Nordstorm valet parking lot with a 500 unit condo building with a 25% affordable housing concession, Aaron voted this project down. Nordstorm has since been driven out of SF by retail theft. There’s still no new housing. Kids! This is why you can’t afford a home, SF has an 82,000 unit housing shortage (10%!) and why Aaron’s merged duplex has doubled in value. Vote for Aaron Peskin if you think housing laws are for you, but not for Aaron.

Nope! No housing for you!

SF Progressive DA Chesa Boudin argued to release a 70+ misdemeanor, 30+ felony person on parole, who later stole a car from his Tinder date and went on to murder two pedestrians in a crosswalk while high on drugs. The same DA defended the (likely racially motivated) murder-for-sport of an 85+ year old Thai man who could barely walk as a mere a ‘temper tantrum’ to the press. The same DA defended SF’s population of opioid dealers who’s abusive relationship with SF’s many addicted results in ~750 annual deaths, falsely arguing that many dealers are the victims of human trafficking. The same DA simultaneously decried lax gun laws in red states, while he serially argued down gun crimes from violent repeat offenders to misdemeanors in his own city. It goes on and on. Political identity is preferred over public safety. Please don’t complain. Only Republicans complain about social justice reform.

50,000 people signed a petition to get a recall of this DA on the ballot. The ballot passed. Aaron Peskin opposed the recall of his party friend. Kids! This is why social justice reform has become a joke.

The VP of the SF school board, Alison Collins, described the entire SF Asian population as Trump lovers and as “house n!88ers”, and prioritized school renaming, cancelling 8th grade algebra and whitewashing of murals over providing COVID remote schooling support and HVACs for schools annually closed during the wildfire season.

“#ICantBreathe” choke our black and brown children seeing 60+ days absenteeism and 20% making grade level.”

When SF residents similarly petitioned to recall her, Aaron’s party friend Jason Kruta assaulted petitioners and stole election petitions. Aaron Peskin was silent. 3 members of the school board were recalled. After four successful recalls, ‘pro-democratic socialism’ Aaron (presumably the tankie variety) concluded that participatory democracy is the real villain here. And that holding party friends accountable is a problem. And the lesser spotted endangered San Francisco Republicans are the problem. And so he asked to amend the city charter to make democratic recalls impossible for his friends. Voters slapped back and voted down restrictions on their ability to vote out the bigoted and the feckless. Kids! This is why half of SF’s public schools suck. When obvious failings are apparent, criticism makes you an enemy of the group, and our progressives continue to fail to make progress.

While SF’s left are frothy about the right’s election restrictions in elsewhere places, they takes no issue with Julie Pitta stealing election advertising from private businesses. Neither does Aaron. So, vote for Aaron if you believe the right to vote and the right to hold elected officials accountable is a power too great for you to be trusted with.

When Aaron Peskin’s dinner was disturbed by a local building fire, Aaron Peskin continued with chewing out the underfunded, understaffed Fire Chief while his firefighters (who responded within 2 minutes!) cleared the building of people before putting out the fire. Vote for Aaron if you believe our first responders need to be publicly dragged. By the way, most of the fire service don’t earn enough to make rent in SF.

When Aaron disagrees with co-workers, his arguments might include threatening to whip his dick out in one of his many drunken tirades…

🍆 “This will have to be one of those times where I take my dick out, and the mayor takes her dick out, and let’s see whose is bigger,”🍆 said Aaron Peskin in one of his drunken tirades.

Almost lose your commission board seat because you’re a dick to city empoyee? No worries… a few dollars in Aaron’s campaign fund and you may find your behavior is overlooked (allegedly).

When Aaron disagrees with fellow female board members, Aaron rolls his eyes. “Stupid,” he described another woman. “A horse’s arse,” is how he fdescribes a very reasonable public commenter at a city board meeting.

The Board of Supervisors famously cut the city’s ties with red states that they disagree with over moral issues until it became clear that it could not function. But when political friend Jon Jacobo was accused of rape in 2021, Aaron remained silent, and had no issue with the city continuing to deal with the alleged aggressor — a TODCO executive, Calle 24 Director, and *cough* Building Inspection Commissioner. Aaron was (of course!) cleared of wrong doing when he merged his duplex into a single home as reported by SF’s uncritical, party-friendly press. Perhaps Jacobo hanging out with murderers and El Norteños gang members should have been a red flag. Only when 3 other women came forward with rape allegations during his run for mayor did Aaron decide that second, third and forth rapes are too many rapes for him. So brave. 🙄 So brave. #MeToo

Aaron was not alone. The first alleged rape victim worked in the SF DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) who have similarly failed to condemn the awful actions of any of political friends: Aaron Peskin, Jon Jacobo, Jason Kruta, Julie Pita, Alison Collins … on and on. In every case, we would scream about the appalling behaviors of these terrible people were it to come from Republicans. “This behavior is only bad when it’s not our friends,” is what we should understand. I don’t hate socialism. I want it to work. But SF socialists seem incapable of self-management, let alone running a city.

Identity politics over outcomes. Friends over enemies. Our own over moral behavior. Deafness to reasonable criticism. “You’re not a Republican are you?” This is what our SF Progressive leadership stand for.

The SF Progressive leadership is morally bankrupt. Our progressives whine about Fox News and national party politics while the city crumbles around them. If SF Progressives are the subject of national ridicule, they have only themselves to blame. Performative and feckless, they are the shining star of vacant West Coast political stupidity.

I want more and cheaper and public housing.
I want justice reform.
I want excellent public schools.
I want our addicted to have a chance at recovery.
I want free elections and a participatory democracy.
I support a women’s expectation to not be raped, and not to be belittled at work.

Does Aaron Peskin?
Aaron’s running for mayor of San Francisco.
Vote for Aaron? You’re not a Republican are you?

